Growing up, Calvin and Hobbes was by far my favorite comic.  Super heroes never really did it for me, and it wasn’t until the old E.C. Horror comics were reprinted that I found another comic that caught my attention in the same way.

Bill Watterson always seemed to be able to capture the essence of being a kid and the imagination and creativity that comes from being left to your own devices.  I always felt like Calvin was a character that I could actually relate to, a mirror to the many ways I viewed the world as a kid.

I came across this animation by Adam Brown and it brought back a lot of memories of the comic strip of my childhood.  It’s great to finally see someone take Calvin and Hobbes and simply expand the original material.  I am always dismayed to see the ‘Calvin Peeing on a Chevy’ or ‘Calvin Praying to a Cross’ stickers on cars (and more frequently giant pick-up trucks).  To me, those stickers always seemed so ignorant, because they went against everything Calvin and Hobbes stood for.  Yes Calvin was rebellious and mischievous, but did he have a favorite pick-up truck?  Yes, Calvin and Hobbes were both thoughtful and philosophical, but did they ever adhere to any specific religion?

My hat is off to Adam Brown for simply taking a comic, putting it into action and remaining true to the core of the subject.

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